Information Service
The SSC Information Service for Science Policy locates, analyses and handles information relating to education, research and innovation ERI in Switzerland and abroad. It plays an active role in SSC projects and studies by providing information needed by the Council and the scientific advisors of the Secretariat. It also searches for, selects and posts information regarding themes falling under the purview of federal agencies and policymaking bodies responsible for science and innovation.
The SSC's collection of documents dating prior to 2010 can be found at the Library am Guisanplatz.
E-Press – a service from the SSC
The SSC issues an electronic press bulletin (E-Press) which provides an overview of the most important news in the fields of education, research, innovation and science.
The E-Press bulletin provides authorized readers with a thematically structured list of links to news articles from the national and international media. The links are accompanied by a short description and lead directly to specific content.
E-Press subscription
If you are a member of an education or science organisation and would like to subscribe to the e-press, please complete the form below:
Thank you for your interest.
We will notify you once your application has been reviewed.
Parliamentary session
The thematic excerpts from the parliamentary session programme provide information about ERI-related items of business; firstly, items to be dealt with before the session (tabled items) and those to be discussed following the session in the light of new interventions (pending items) and concluded items.
Catalogues and links
The SSC’s entire bibliographic collection is registered in the catalogue of the Federal Administration’s Alexandria Library Network. The SSC’s collection of documents prior to 2010 is deposited in the Library Am Guisanplatz BiG where it is accessible for consultation on site or as an inter-library loan. You can search the Alexandria Library Network catalogue.
The SSC’s Information Service is a partner of the Alexandria Library Network, which comes under the umbrella of the BiG. The BiG ensures cooperation on information within its own organisation and ensures the quality of the libraries’ common catalogue using the Alma system.
Internal services
The SSC’s Information Service primarily supports the Council’s four-year work programme, providing the Council and the Secretariat’s scientific advisors with the information they need for their studies and projects.
Internal Services also supports the employees of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), which is located in the same building.
To respond to the needs of the Council for literature, the SSC’s Information Service borrows or purchases books. When appropriate, borrowing a book is favoured over buying it. Purchases are made primarily in the case of recent publications that are not yet available for loan from a large library in Switzerland. The monographs acquired are catalogued in the catalogue of the Alexandria Library Network.
The SSC’s Information Service is also the contact point for employees of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) who need to obtain documents. Applications are prepared and submitted using this form. The books acquired at SERI’s request are catalogued in the SSC’s collection.
Journals and subscriptions
The SSC has a selection mainly from the fields of education and higher education research, evaluation, and science and innovation policy. The special collection from 2010 onwards is only available to Council members and SERI staff. Journals prior to 2010 are catalogued in the Alexandria Library Network and are available to the public.
SERI staff can order articles and request new subscriptions from the SSC Information Service at any time. The Information Service also supports projects and research for the work programme of the Scientific Council by providing a continuous selection of and access to scientific articles.
Here is a list of current journals:
Bildung Schweiz: Zeitschrift des Dachverbandes der Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (LCH)
Deutsche Universitätszeitung
Folio: Berufsbildung Schweiz, BCH
Forschung & Lehre: alles was die Wissenschaft bewegt
Das Hochschulwesen (HSW): Forum für Hochschulforschung, -praxis und -politik
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften