Legal basis & Organisation
Legal foundations
Federal Act of 14 December 2012 on the Promotion of Research and Innovation (RIPA)
Ordinance of 29 November 2013 of the Federal Act of 14 December 2012 on the Promotion of Research and Innovation (O-RIPA)
Swiss Science Council Ordinance of 1 June 2014 (Status as of 6 October 2022)
German version
Rules of 5 August 2014 (Status as of 6 October 2022) of Procedure of the Swiss Science Council (SSC)
German version
Appointment order of the Swiss Science Council, 22 August 2018
German version
The Council holds plenary meetings at various times of the year. Agenda items to be discussed at these meetings are determined by the President in consultation with Council members. The most important considerations in determining agenda items include the SSC's working programme, direct requests made by the Federal Council and Federal Offices as well as the need to take a stance on current items on the political agenda. The Secretariat prepares these meetings in consultation with the President.
Outside of regular plenary meetings, Council members may also hold working group meetings as needed.